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YouTube is the most popular website, having been founded in 2005. It allows users to add videos, broadcast live, rate and comment on attached content. Where did the idea for a channel on machining with lathes and CNC milling machines come from? The idea came from Kacper Durecki. He stated that DWJ Narzędziownia CNC would not be the first toolroom in Poland or in the world. He wanted something to stand out from the large competition on the metalworking market. In addition to this, Kacper is the person who, from the very first episode until now, has been insistently repeating that the channel was created for knowledge and value. He shares his knowledge of metalworking and CNC technology every time.
Kacper Durecki DWJ
Kacper’s channel has featured a lot of material on metalworking, cutting parameters, CNC turning, CNC milling and machining technology for over 2 years. The first episode appeared in January 2020. The topic of the episode was: “How much does a CNC operator earn in Poland”. As of today, the video has more than 40,000 views. Repeatedly in the videos, the word personal development, knowledge, values and a host of other things that Kacper loves to share. Thanks to his great commitment and consistency of purpose, he has managed to accumulate several thousand subscriptions and almost one million views of all materials. As of today, the YouTube channel: Kacper Durecki DWJ is the most popular channel in the field of machining in Poland. By continuously adding new material, our customers can see for themselves how much knowledge we have in the field of metal processing.
The channel is, of course, an excellent marketing tool. Thanks to this platform, we can promote our CNC machining services.
There are repeated videos on how to make a precision mechanical part step by step. Parts for virtually every industry are recorded. One of the episodes also featured a propeller for the racing motorboat of the OSY 400 class world champion Cezary Strumnik from Chodzież.
CNC production is our passion and Kacper is keen for his viewers to continually develop and expand their skills.
Adrian Jankowski DWJ
The lathe channel was established a few months ago. Adrian is considered by many to be the best turner in Poland. CNC turning has been his way of life for many years and today it is Adrian who is sharing his knowledge and skills. It is fair to say that one of DWJ’s board members started with the simplest of details working on a regular conventional machine. As time passed, development came and it was time for a CNC lathe. The knowledge quickly expanded. After many years of experience, Adrian co-founded DWJ Narzędziownia CNC Ltd. Metalworking is his passion. Chips from the lathe flow through his veins. He is already looking forward to his new CNC machining machine, a DMG CLX 350 lathe with Y axis. It is this machine that will allow Adrian to further develop himself in the field of machining. What’s in store for him? You will find even more transferred turning knowledge on the Adrian Jankowski DWJ turning channel !
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Spór na grupie CNC 2.0? Kim jest programista? 6 STREAM z Adim DWJ! #cnc #stream #online #welcome
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Wieczorna, garażowa pogadanka, zapraszam!
Jak założyć swoją firmę? Odpowiadamy na komentarze z grupy CNC 2.0
Jak założyć swoją firmę? Odpowiadamy na komentarze!
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